Why Choose NESG?

Our unbiased perspective allows you to evaluate your solar options with an expert in your corner. We will stand by you during the process to help ensure you get the lowest pricing possible for your solar project.

Unbiased Advisors

By serving as an owner’s representative, we act on your behalf and ensure all decisions are thoroughly vetted before making recommendations. Solar is not right for every customer, and we can help you decide if it even makes sense to pursue solar in the first place.

Familiarity with Competitive Energy Procurement

We know energy procurement. Through a well-managed, competitive RFP process with a large network of solar companies we will drive down costs and make certain you get the best price for your solar project.

Interplay with Energy Supply

When installing solar, there are often additional cost savings opportunities through energy supply options. This is our core business, and by bundling these energy supply opportunities with your solar project we will confirm that no money is left on the table.

Streamlined Process to Save You Time and Money

By using our proven process, we can do the heavy lifting and help you stay focused on your organizational goals.


Reach out to an advisor today to see how Nania Energy can help you on your sustainability journey.

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